i there faithful blog consumers - just letting you know about some travels Miriam and I are planning in the next few weeks to whet your appetite for fresh blogs. We'll be travelling to Delhi along with Rick Shipway to pick up 3 people visiting the orphanage for Christmas; Danny from Tasmania (which I've heard is actually part of Australia), Katie from the US and another, Gail from somewhere in India. We'll be spending 2-3 days in and around Delhi waiting for all of them to arrive and probably get a chance to visit the much lauded Taj Mahal. I (Brad) will be also consuming 6 months worth of meat that has been missed from my diet.

After Christmas we will need to get out of the country for a bit to avoid being arrested for overstaying our Visa and will probably head to Kathmandu to get it renewed. News on the grapevine is that India is clamping down a bit on back-to-back Visas so we'll be leaving with our fingers crossed, hoping we can get back in again. The visa application will likely take 1-2 weeks so we'll have some time to explore the Nepalese countryside whilst there.
well, getting arrested in india could make your trip a little more exciting...