Saturday, November 21, 2009

The call of India…

We’ve decided to stick around in India a while longer. Miriam and I are quite involved in helping out the orphanage’s first ever Grade 10 class and have decided that to give them the best chance we will continue on here until their exams in April 2010. We’ll need to do a quick visa run to Kathmandu (Nepal) in January to renew our Indian visa – so we’ll have a short break then.

It’s a bit hard writing new & innovative stuff when all you did that day was teach division of surds to a group of class 10’s, text formatting to 12 year olds, and a 2 year old to slap your head. So, if you have any questions or blog ideas we’d love to hear from you…


  1. Hooray! Sound cool to stick around. It's hard to leave part way through after investing in the kiddies.

    So... Some things to talk about?

    How bout your technological woes so I am reminded about how blessed I am.

    How bout stories about kiddies who have changed or learnt cool stuff.

    How bout some stuff that you guys have done that is something you would never have done before you left.

    How bout ways that the orphanage is looking at becoming self sufficient.

    Does that help for ideas?

    Spent the day with Jeremy gardening and went to see new Aussie film called The Boys Are Back. Pretty good. He mentioned your emailing issues of late. Bugga.

    Have a good week.

  2. So not surprised...just waiting to hear you say that you're officially going on staff. :)

    How's the Hindi coming along? What's had the biggest impact/s on you? What are some of the lessons you've learned, individually or as a couple? Does that help?
